Monday, May 23, 2016

This was a sample page I did testing out some different styles and technics I've been playing with.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

It feels like it's been a long time. It has in fact been a long time. Why? Because up until recently drawing has not been my profession. However, guess what? As of a month ago, it is now. That's right, I've changed careers from the noble path of the bicycle sales manager to the lowly illustrator. You benefit cause I'm guessing you haven't been coming here to see what's the latest headset standard you need to buy for your Scott Addict, but rather to see what I've been creating or to read up on everyone's favorite blackmarket flunky. I can guarantee you there will be more of one or the other. Whatever my fancy.

One of the things I've been working on is a new sci-fi graphic novel. It's obviously a whole new direction from what I've been making here. But you know what? The time is ripe for change. So I'm  trying something new. I'll be posting pics from it or concept drawings here so check 'em out and let me know what you think.

I'm thinking I'll just post any art of mine that I think you'd like to see. I hope you enjoy.
